The Brief
Contractor – Sir RobertMcAlpine Ltd
Value - £13.5m
Duration – September 2013 to December 2015
The Solution
We were contracted to carry out all the civils and groundworks at Bucks EFW. The project began with a large cut and fill and we then proceed to constructing the perimeter roads, associated drainage, pile caps, capping beam construction, bunker excavation, water tank excavation and accompanied concrete base and linear walls, in-situ retaining walls, precast king post walls, earthworks bund construction, ground floor build up and concrete slab, upper floor slabs, internal service yards, external works including paving and kerbing.
· 70,000 m2 of site strip / vegetation with cut and fill exercise
· 12,000 m3 of structural reinforced concrete
· 1,500 tonnes of reinforcement ranging from 8mm to 40mm diameter bars
· 3,500 metres of foul / storm drainage ranging from 150mm to 900mm diameter pipes including storm pumping station, bypass separator and biotec envirosafe unit